That's right. I just color coded my closet. |
See how much I want to go to school right now? I have been out of school so long I furgot hao tew spel! After work I spent much of the day searching Craigslist for snowboards and coats, researching programs to go to China, and stalking random BYUI Lamprecht Hall resident's facebooks so I could see what my apartment will look like. I must say I'm pretty pumped for the high efficiency closets and the bright white kitchen. I hope I like the closet as much as I think I will...but most of all, I want to know who my 3 roomies are!
Today I got up at 4:30 AM to go to Jamba Juice at 5 AM. Joy. Actually it wasn't bad at all. I enjoyed it today since hardly anyone comes during cold weather...aint got no complikatid orderss i gotta deal wit. All I have to make basically is hot chocolate, tea, coffee, and wheat grass. Super easy! I decided I want to work at Jamba Juice in Idaho in the middle of winter because there will be pretty much no customers, and no one there would ever even think ordering tea or coffee-- so all I have to make is people's hot chocolate and wheat grass shots. SWEET!

I took some random pics today with my new camera I got on Black Friday. I had SO much fun in NC for Thanksgiving with family and friends. I love North Carolina so much! My mom and I hit an AWESOME sale at Salvation army. We almost died..we were that thrilled with our many $1 purchases.