It felt good to play a solid hour of piano today. I'm working on a song by The Fray (Over My Head- Cable Car). I haven't really played much piano lately, so this felt really good. It's just relaxing and makes me think in different ways. Also, since I was bored today, I went on an afternoon run- barefoot. I ran around the neighborhood, under some pretty palms, and along the bayou. I also went without my music which was different.

Lately, all I can really think about is BYUI. First off, I want to know who my roommates are. I'm pretty sure they will be awesome. I am excited to officially begin college. I want to know who my FHE group is and who my closest friends will be there. I wish I knew what job I will get (if I get a job) so I can plan for the future financially. I'm just kind of sick of Jamba Juice and American Eagle right now which is kind of sad since I just started those jobs recently. I still like teaching piano though to the cute preschool kiddos! I just got a new registration, a little 2 year old! That should be interesting and fun.

I've been teaching myself Chinese and Italian online, with Mango Languages, and Berlitz; I love both languages. I feel productive when I study, too. I guess that's a sign that I am ready for school again. I just keep hearing stories and stuff from my friends about their college lives. I want to experience it for myself! Texas is great. I love the weather, palm trees, fun family, and friends. I definitely like YSA dances a TON better than youth dances. I'm exited to go serve in China, I just need to find money for it. And just to let you know, there are 48 days until Christmas! Also there are 57 days until I move into my apartment. YAY!