Let's just pretend that yesterday is today..okay? Okay. Guess what! In only 1 month I'm going to be 18! Does anyone realize how insane that is?
I miss being little and getting away with everything. I miss middle-of-the-night Barbie games with my sister that we set up for hours and played for one hour- the game was called Teenage Rulers. I remember when I skateboarded with cousins around the neighborhood, and each of us climbed up our individual pine trees to avoid the vicious black dog next door. I miss my sweet, adorable great-grandmas, Oma and GG, and playing at Uncle Bud's park. It was always fun to chase escaped hamsters around the house and torment our foreign exchange students. I remember feeling like a boss when I volunteered as a lunch-lady-helper and hall monitor in elementary school. I think back about my obsession with Pokemon and how the guys thought me and my huge binder of PokeCards were totally awesome. I miss my tight group of girl friends in Pennsylvania and watching movies on an iPod during detention with friends. I had a crazy great time doing abnormal things, pranks, ripstikking, and late night talks at Wendy's with close friends in high school. I'm already missing beautiful North Carolina- my lovely beaches and pretty palm trees..
Basically, I miss a lot of things. But I look forward to just as much.
Photo by my Dad |
I can't wait to start college, decorate my own place with a bunch of girls, own a car, and be an independent person. I look forward to endless pranks in college and learning how to snowboard. I am totally psyched to live my dream life, see more of the world, and travel everywhere I can afford a plane ticket. I am anxious for the day when I finally make it to all 50 states by age 20 (6 more to go!). I hope to become fluent in a second language and speak it like it's no big deal with native speakers. I am eager to be able to run a marathon later and graduate from Brigham Young University (my dream school). I look forward to choosing my wedding colors and wedding gown someday in the future.
If you can't tell...I'm pretty darn excited! :)